All over the country, construction is continuing to speed up. In many cities and on highways, this can be difficult for drivers to deal with traffic, especially if you have places to be. With large construction and mining equipment on the road, it’s important to remember to follow the safety rules and speed limits when driving through the zone. This is not only for your safety, but also for the safety of the workers.

Staying Safe While Sharing the Road with a Construction Crew
The most important thing you need to do when you’re driving through a construction zone is increase your following distance. It’s possible that the cars in front of you will be forced to come to an abrupt stop while they’re driving through, and if you’re tailgating the car in front of you, you could cause a fender bender. Always follow the instructions from the workers who are directing traffic. They are the ones who are creating a traffic pattern within the construction zone and they have a system that works.
When you see a sign for a lane closure up ahead, merge to your left or right as soon as you safely can. One of the leading causes of accidents in a construction zone is drivers who hastily merge because they didn’t plan ahead.
Your Vehicle Also Needs to Be Taken Care of Properly on the Road
Uneven pavement is often a concern in construction zones: gravel surfaces, uneven pavement, and exposed manholes can make driving through a construction zone a bit treacherous. Drive safely and slowly to avoid getting a flat tire or kicking up stones. Uneven pavement can cause your car to jerk to one direction unexpectedly so keep your hands firm on the steering wheel.
You really need to make sure you slow down and remain alert: construction zones typically disrupt traffic patterns in the area, so you’ll have to pay attention. Plus, other drivers might not drive responsibly which can cause accidents by moving too quickly or not following the crew’s directions so keep your eye on those cars as well.
At Rackers Equipment, we have been supplying the construction and mining industry with new and used equipment for jobs and projects for over 30 years. If you’re in need of replacing any mining or construction equipment, please contact us at 573-635-8700 today or visit us online for more information!