How New Tech Could Innovate the Quarry Mining Industry

With technology constantly advancing, industries are always looking for ways to utilize the latest devices and innovations to help their businesses grow. Drones are one of the technologies many are looking into as their uses are becoming more and more vast as time goes on. One of the industries starting to adopt this technology is… Read more »

Largest Markets for Aggregate Materials

The market for aggregate materials in North America took a serious hit between 2007 and 2012, as did much of the wider construction industry. Demand fell from 3.8 billion metric tons in 2007 to 3.05 billion metric tons in 2012. While the industry is still playing catch-up from the impact of the Great Recession, there… Read more »

Crushers: Breaking Down the History of these Machines

Rock crushers are now so commonly used in industries like mining and construction that it may be hard to imagine working without them. It was only during the early part of the 19th century, however, that the first mechanical rock crusher designs were developed. The first U.S. patent to be issued for a crusher was… Read more »

The Internet of Things and What it Means to Mining

“The Internet of Things” receives a lot of buzz in the media these days, but most often the connected “things” being discussed are home appliances like televisions, refrigerators and thermostats. These developments in technology are also changing the way many businesses operate, though, and even impacts industries like mining. Mining has long been characterized by… Read more »

Go Back to School – Furukawa Drill School, That Is

Everyone knows that the Rackers Equipment Co. is the place to go for all of your heavy-duty equipment needs, but did you also know about our famous Furukawa Drill School? That’s right. Hosted by Rackers Equipment and our Furukawa technicians, the school is an excellent source for all drillers, new and experienced alike. Located in… Read more »

Global Demand for Aggregate Materials on the Rise

We came across some interesting news in Pit & Quarry recently about the increasing global demand for construction aggregates. According to the report, a study by The Freedonia Group projects that the worldwide market for construction aggregates will exceed more than 51 billion metric tons by 2019, recording growth comparable to that of the 2009-14… Read more »

Fragmentation Key to Kicking Off New Operations

When starting a new mining project, companies can achieve the greatest efficiency if they make the effort to optimize their drilling and blasting processes from the beginning. As Aggregates Manager explains, fine tuning shot can affect the amount and size of material that is sent back to the plant. By achieving the best fragmentation size… Read more »